• Breaking News

    quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2016

    Trump meets with New York Mayor Bill De Blasio

    President-elect Donald Trump met Wednesday with one of his harshest critics, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio.
    "I let him know that so many New Yorkers were fearful and that more had to be done to show that this country can heal, that people be respected,’’ said De Blasio, speaking to reporters in front of Trump Tower after the hourlong meeting. Trump’s proposals to deport immigrants in particular “flew in the face of all that was great about New York City, the ultimate city of immigrants.’’
    During the meeting, De Blasio, a liberal Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton in the presidential campaign, said he warned that New York City would refuse to cooperate with the deportations and with Trump’s calls to reinstate stop-and-frisk tactics to reduce crime. He also complained to Trump about rising anti-Semitism, aggravated by the presidential campaign, and about Trump’s proposal to dismantle Wall Street regulation by repealing the Dodd-Frank Act.
    Trump’s staff offered less detail about the meeting.
    "I think they both said it was a very productive meeting,’’ Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway told reporters. I was glad that the mayor came here, obviously mayor of the nation's largest city and a neighbor to the new president-elect, so it was good that that happened.’’


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