• Breaking News

    segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2016

    Clinton and Trump fail to impress black voters

    In the 11th hour of the presidential campaign, the candidates, criss-crossing the crucial swing states, both appealed to the same voting group: African Americans. 
    Hillary Clinton, speaking in a Northwest Philadelphia church on Sunday, told black voters that the election is a choice between "hope and fear".
    "This election is about doing everything we can to stop a movement to destroy President Obama's legacy," she said.
    Her campaign is seeking to boost turnout of African-American voters, which has slipped since they voted in record numbers to elect Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.
    According to a November 2 aggregation of five national polls, Clinton commands 83.3 percent of the black vote, against Trump's 4.3 percent
    The numbers did not discourage Trump from making a last appeal to African Americans in Florida on Saturday, asking them to vote for him with the question: "What the hell do you have to lose?"

    The Trump outreach

    Throughout his campaign, Trump's outreach to black voters has focused on the need for tough law enforcement as he has described African-American neighbourhoods as "ghettos" overwhelmed by crime and poverty.
    Dominic Carter has been covering politics in New York and nationally for more than 30 years. He says Trump's overtures to the African-American community are not only failing, but are actually backfiring.
    If anything, he says the rhetoric will make voters come out for Clinton. "Him connecting with communities of colour is never going to happen."
    One reason, Carter says, is Trump's refusal to recognise the innocence of the Central Park Five, despite the DNA evidence that exonerated them. The African-American teenagers were accused, then convicted of raping and savagely beating a woman jogging in Central Park in 1989.
    They confessed after 43 hours of questioning and Trump called for the death penalty for them.
    The confessions were later found to be coerced, and the real rapist confessed. Yet, just weeks ago, Trump still insisted they were guilty.

    Al Jazeera

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