• Breaking News

    sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

    Donald Trump denounces ‘professional protesters, incited by the media’

    President-elect Donald J. Trump took to Twitter Thursday night to denounce the thousands of protesters who filled streets decrying his election.
    “Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!” he said in a tweet that had been retweeted more than 12,000 times in just a half-hour.
    Some of the protesters Wednesday night and Thursday vandalized businesses and a few called for Mr. Trump’s assassination, according to video footage shown on TV.
    In her Wednesday concession speech, defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton said her supporters needed to be open-minded and give Mr. Trump a chance to be president. President Obama spoke similarly at a Thursday meeting at the White House.
    Republican strategist Patrick Ruffini said the protests were aiding Mr. Trump.

    “The behavior in the streets [right now] is making it really easy for Republicans I know who voted for HRC to rally behind Trump,” he said on Twitter.

    From: Washington Times

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