• Breaking News

    quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2016

    Donald Trump at the White House: Obama reports 'excellent conversation'

    Now Trump and Pence and Melania Trump are meeting with senate majority leader Mitch McConnell on Capitol Hill.

    McConnell said yesterday he expected to work with Trump on filling the supreme court vacancy, on tax reform, on Obamacare and more.

    Obama was criticized for moving a bust of Winston Churchill outside the Oval to make room for MLK. There are “only so many tables where you can put busts, otherwise it starts looking a little cluttered,” Obama said.

    Anyone think the MLK Jr bust will stay there after January?

    Paul Ryan can see Donald Trump’s hotel from his house the Capitol balcony.

    That’s vice-president-elect Mike Pence and Melania Trump with them of course.

    Michelle Obama hosts Melania Trump for tea

    Josh Earnest describes the Michelle Obama - Melania Trump meeting. They had tea, admired a balcony view and talked about raising kids in the White House.

    How different than what would have come to pass had Clinton won.


    The first lady hosted Mrs Trump in the private residence... for some tea and a tour... part of that tour included stepping out onto the Truman balcony... you’ve heard the president and Mrs Obama describe the quality of time that they’ve spent on the Truman balcony.... there was also an opportunity for the two women to walk through the state floor of the White House...

    They also had a discussion about raising kids at the White House. The first lady’s two daughters spent their formative years here at the White House... After their tour concluded, the first lady and Mrs Trump walked over to the Oval Office and the two couples had a chance to speak.

    The Guardian

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