• Breaking News

    terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

    Here are the 78 terrorist attacks the White House says were largely underreported

    The White House on Monday night released a list of 78 terrorist attacks in response to an assertion earlier in the day by President Trump that the “very dishonest press” often doesn’t report on them.

    The list, which includes domestic and overseas incidents, starts in September 2014. It includes some very heavily covered news events, including last year’s attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando and the mass shooting and attempted bombing in San Bernardino, Calif., in 2015.

    But the White House asserted that most of incidents on the list were under-covered by Western media source.

    During an appearance at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Trump sought to make the case for the need to be vigilant at a time when legal action looms over his now-frozen ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Trump cited a series of attacks in the United States and in Europe as he spoke of the dangers of “radical Islamic terrorists.”

    “In many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it,” Trump said. “They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

    White House spokesman Sean Spicer later told reporters that Trump believes attacks are not “unreported” but “underreported.”

    “He felt members of the media don’t always cover some of those events to the extent that other events might get covered,” Spicer told reporters traveling on Air Force One.

    Later Monday, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said that “the real point here is that these terrorists attacks are so pervasive at this point that they do not spark the wall-to-wall coverage they once did.”

    “If you look back just a few years ago, any one of these attacks would have been ubiquitous in every news outlet, and now they’re happening so often — at a rate of more than once every two weeks, according to the list we sent around — that networks are not devoting to each of them the same level of coverage they once did,” she said.

    Here’s the entire list, unedited, as released by the White House:

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