• Breaking News

    quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2017

    Trump smashes Obama’s small-donor fundraising pace, bests Clinton, Sanders combined

    As a candidate, President Trump raised more money from small-dollar donors than former President Obama did in either of his two campaigns, according to a study released Tuesday that shows just how groundbreaking the Trump operation was.

    Mr. Trump raised about $239 million from small donors during the campaign, compared with Mr. Obama’s $219 million in 2012 — then a record — and about $181 million in 2008, according to the report from the Campaign Finance Institute.

    Mr. Trump’s total was also more than the small-dollar donations — defined as $200 or less — given to 2016 Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton ($137 million) and Sen. Bernard Sanders ($100 million) combined.

    Mr. Trump frequently boasted during the campaign about how he managed to hang tough while being vastly outspent by Mrs. Clinton and his Republican primary rivals, and said he would take that frugal attitude to the White House.

    But the figures illustrate the significant level of support Mr. Trump did receive through small donations, which are sometimes seen as a measure of grass-roots enthusiasm for a campaign.

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