• Breaking News

    quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2017

    Trump takes off kid gloves, moves to erase Obama’s deportation exemptions

    A huge surge in detention. Illegal immigrants who came up through Mexico being shipped quickly back to Mexico. National Guard troops arresting illegal immigrants across the West.
    After years of neglect, immigration enforcement is proving to be a fertile space for action — and for speculation, as draft reports leak out of Homeland Security, frightening immigrant rights groups and thrilling President Trump’s backers who have longed to see this sort of crackdown.
    The White House has shot down some of the reports, including a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press that envisioned 100,000 National Guard troops patrolling from Oregon to Louisiana, empowered to arrest illegal immigrants.

    “There is no effort at all to round up, to utilize the National Guard to round up illegal immigrants,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters last week, responding to the AP report.
    Still, Mr. Trump has gotten off the blocks quickly on immigration, issuing a series of executive orders that, if fully carried out, could fundamentally shift the risk calculus for Mexico and for the hundreds of thousands of Central American illegal immigrants who have streamed through that country en route to the U.S. in recent years.

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