• Breaking News

    quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2016

    Berlin attack: Tunisian fugitive 'had been under surveillance'

    A Europe-wide manhunt is under way for the Tunisian man wanted for the Berlin lorry attack, who had been under surveillance earlier this year, media reports say.
    Anis Amri, 24, was reportedly monitored on suspicion of planning a robbery in order to pay for guns but surveillance was lifted for lack of evidence.
    Before entering Germany, he had served four years for arson in Italy.
    Monday evening's attack at a Christmas market killed 12 and injured 49 more.
    An arrest warrant was issued after Anis Amri's residence permit was found in the cab of the lorry that left a trail of carnage at a Christmas market near Berlin's most famous shopping street, the Kurfuerstendamm.
    The German authorities warn he could be armed and dangerous and are offering a reward of up to €100,000 (£84,000; $104,000) for information leading to his arrest.

    In a small detached building surrounded by fields, 16 male migrants live on two floors in basic, student-style accommodation. I knocked on each of their doors, The young Iraqi and Albanian refugees who answered claimed they knew little about Anis Amri, who stayed here for a short time.
    "I don't recognise his face," Andi from Albania told me as I showed him a picture of the Berlin suspect. "But we've been talking about this attack with other refugees," he added, "and about how this man had jihadist contacts around here. Maybe he did. It's horrible around here. We hate it but no one here knew much about him."
    There is a swastika graffiti sign on the corridor wall, evidence of anti-migrant sentiment, which migrants say was done by locals two months ago.
    The site's night manager, who did not want to be identified, told me he had recognised Amri "straightaway" because "We're a small place. I know everyone who stays here." Staff said Amri had "disappeared" after "a brief stay".

    We are told that police officers attempted to search the premises earlier today but left because of mistakes on their paperwork. They have not returned. This place offers a glimpse into the life and activity of Europe's most wanted terror suspect but it appears to be a trail that goes cold quickly.
    From: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38399561

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