• Breaking News

    segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2016

    'Obama still represents hope'

    Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama greets supporters on August 7, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.

    In 2008, Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan colored the lawns and the cars of thousands and thousands of Americans and the iconic portrait of the candidate in red and blue with the word "hope" sprung up on T-shirts, posters and even newly inked tattoos across America.
    But once Obama took office and gridlock in Congress persisted, tough political realities settled in and for many, the idealism surrounding Obama's presidency evaporated.

    But for Common, who was one of Obama's most vocal supporters in 2007, the outgoing President "still represents hope."

    "Obama still represents hope because he is a symbol and the true expression of where we can reach," the Chicago rapper said. "Little young Latino girls know that they can be president because of Obama. He broke the whole mold."

    Common acknowledged that Obama was unable to accomplish everything he set out to achieve, but said he expects the President to build on his legacy and remain connected to causes he cares about like the "My Brother's Keeper" initiative once he leaves office.

    "As a black man, I know that (Obama) has represented black people in a beautiful way," Common said, "and we thank him for all his hard work, his commitment, his heart and his spirit ... he empowered all of us."

    From: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/04/politics/common-black-america-again-obama/index.html

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