• Breaking News

    domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016

    Trump poised to pick Rex Tillerson, oil tycoon with ties to Russia, as secretary of State, reports say

    By: LA Times
    In a decision that could alter U.S. relations with one of its principal rivals, President-elect Donald Trump is expected to choose Rex Tillerson, a powerful oil tycoon with close ties to Russia’s president, as secretary of State, according to media reports.
    Tillerson, chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp., one of the largest companies in the world, would likely face rocky Senate confirmation hearings because of his company's business interests with Russia. 
    Many in Congress already are worried about Trump’s refusal to recognize what the U.S. intelligence community has concluded was hacking by Russia and an attempt to help Trump win the presidential race.
    The Trump transition team said no official announcement on the nomination would be made until next week at the earliest, and they cautioned that other contenders had not been completely eliminated. Trump often changes his mind, and the Tillerson nomination would be highly controversial. 

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