• Breaking News

    sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2016

    Cops Smash Window To Rescue A ’Frozen’ Grandma And Get A Disturbing Surprise

    When officers arrived, they observed an elderly woman seated in the passenger seat wearing an oxygen mask. She was not moving and was unresponsive,” the press release continued. “It was bitterly cold, (around 8 degrees) and the car had snow cover, indicating it may have been parked there overnight.”
    Officers quickly determined however that the oxygen mask-wearing woman was not dead, nor frozen. In fact, the elderly woman was actually a mannequin. “An HPD Sergeant broke the rear passenger window and opened the door to discover it was an extremely realistic life-sized mannequin,” according to the press release. The mannequin looked extremely life-like and wore clothing, glasses, had teeth, skin, and blemishes on its face. 
    While officers were very frustrated, they soon learned that the vehicle’s owner was actually a sales manager for a company that manufactures medical training aids and the “woman” is a CPR training device, according to police. “The owner of the mannequin stated that he transports the device in his car in that manner, to include the wearing of a seat belt,” police said in the press release.
    The explanation still didn’t sit well with police, saying, “I can’t put what he said on air, but he was not very happy with the police department for forcing entry into his car,” Hudson Police Department Sgt. Randy Clarke told ABC affiliate WTEN. “If it was a joke, it was a very poorly tasteful joke. If it was a matter of convenience for him — it was a station wagon — carry your mannequin a little bit better. The mannequin was in the front seat with a seat belt and appearing to be a passenger in the car.”
    There are no charges pending in the incident. 
    Do you think this was a practical joke or was the owner telling the truth?

    Life Daily

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