• Breaking News

    sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016

    Senators to team Trump: VA still troubled

    “Whether it is unreasonable wait times at multiple facilities, the widespread over-prescription of highly addictive opioids, veteran suicides, misconduct by VA management, or retaliation against whistleblowers, it is clear not all veterans are receiving the high-quality care they deserve,” they wrote.

    The missive follows a push by some veterans groups in recent days urging Trump to consider keeping current VA Secretary Robert McDonald in place, even though Trump assailed the VA on the campaign trail, calling it a “disaster” and “the most corrupt agency in the United States.”

    President Obama hired McDonald to overhaul the agency in 2014 after revelations that Phoenix VA employees kept secret wait lists, masking how long veterans were waiting for care, and at least 40 veterans died while waiting. Subsequent investigations revealed wait-time manipulation was occurring across the country.

    USA Today

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