• Breaking News

    sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2017

    ASSANGE LATEST WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stands by offer to be extradited to US following Chelsea Manning release

    The creator of the secret-spilling website had previously said he would leave the Ecuadorian embassy if the former soldier was freed

    WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has stood by his offer to go to the US now Chelsea Manning is being released.
    The 45-year-old said last week that he would leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London if President Obama freed former US Army intelligence analyst Manning, who was jailed for 35 years for leaking documents relating to the Iraq war.
    Speaking from the embassy where he is currently holed up over a rape allegation, he signalled via social media that there would be “many discussions” on his future before Manning leaves jail in May.
    The transgender former intelligence analyst, born Bradley Manning, said she had passed on government and military documents to raise awareness about the impact of war.
    Assange welcomed the outgoing president’s decision to free the former soldier nearly 30 years early.
    Asked whether he will now leave the embassy, he said: "I stand by everything I said, including the offer to go to the United States if Chelsea Manning's sentence was commuted. It is not going to be commuted until May - we can have many discussions to that point.
    "I have always been willing to go to the United States provided my rights are respected."
    Assange has been living under political asylum in the London-based embassy since 2012 after he sought refuge from a Swedish investigation into rape allegations.
    It is unclear whether the US would actually look into extraditing Assange, but the controversial Australian insists he faces questioning over the activities of Wikileaks if he leaves the embassy.
    He said during the press conference that there has been a seven-year long attempt to build a prosecution against him and WikiLeaks in the US, and his name is on several warrants and subpoenas.
    "As of this year it is active and ongoing," he explained.
    Asked why he has never gone to Sweden to be interviewed, the secret spiller pointed out he had never been charged "at any stage" and had already been cleared by the Swedish authorities in relation to the allegation.

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