• Breaking News

    sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2017

    Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’

    White House claims Alisa Shevchenko was involved in hacking the US election but in an interview she says authorities misinterpreted facts or were fooled

    Alisa Shevchenko is a talented young Russian hacker, known for working with companies to find vulnerabilities in their systems. She spends her winters in Asia, meditating and training in Thai kickboxing.

    She is also, the White House claims, guilty of helping Vladimir Putin interfere in the US election.
    Her company was a surprise inclusion on the US sanctions list released last week, alongside top officers in Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency and two well-known criminal hackers. The company “provided the GRU with technical research and development”, according to the fact sheet released by the White House. No further details were given.
    In addition to the sanctions, the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats from the country, and said it would take further, non-public measures in response.
    After a week in which Russian interference in the election – apparently with the goal of helping Donald Trump to victory – has dominated the news agenda, Shevchenko has spoken out to decry the sanctions against her.
    Shevchenko told the Guardian she was furious at her company’s inclusion on the list, and denied ever having knowingly worked for the Russian government. She communicated via encrypted email, from a location she said was “a wild countryside area a few hours away from Bangkok”.
    In answers that were defiant, and occasionally abrasive, she decried the “insane level of hysteria around the entire ‘Russian hacking’ story”.
    She suggested that the US authorities were guilty either of “a technically incompetent misinterpretation of the facts” or had been fooled by a “counterfeit in order to frame my company”. Those who could have had an interest in framing her could include competitors, US intelligence or Russian intelligence, with the goal of screening the real culprits, Shevchenko said.
    “A young female hacker and her helpless company seems like a perfect pick for that goal. I don’t try to hide, I travel a lot, and am a friendly communicative person. And most importantly, I don’t have any big money, power or connections behind me to shrug off the blame. So really, it could be anyone.”
    US intelligence believes the Democratic party’s servers were hacked by a group known alternatively as Fancy Bear, APT 29 or Sofacy, which they say was working for the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence. In the private sector, attribution directly to the GRU comes most clearly from US firm CrowdStrike, which is influential in US security circles. The US government believes the hacked emails were then leaked – possibly through an intermediary – to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
    Putin has denied all Russian interference in the election, suggesting the blame has fallen on Moscow due to sour grapes from the losing side. Putin has expressed hope that under Trump, who has repeatedly praised Russia and the president personally, relations between the two countries will improve.
    Russian authorities are known to offer a mixture of carrot and stick to engage prominent hackers in work for the state, and third-party contracting of state information security tasks is common in most countries. A number of Russian security experts declined to comment, citing the sensitivity of the subject.
    “Pretty much everyone in the community has done some work for their government at some point,” said Dave Aitel, who runs Immunity, a US software security company. He described Shevchenko as “extremely well known in the information security community”.
    Shevchenko described herself as “a typical introverted computer geek” who is largely self taught. She declined to say how old she was, deeming it an “impolite question”, saying instead: “If you really need a number then go ahead and make it up based on my photographs”.
    She said she dropped out of three different universities, as she was passionate about learning but did not enjoy the structure of a university course. Around 2004, she joined Kaspersky Lab, a high-profile Russian cybersecurity firm.
    She left to set up her own company, initially called Esage Lab (“I was thinking of something ‘sage’, as in a wizard or a magician,” she said). Later, she changed its name to ZOR. Both names are on the US sanctions list.
    Shevchenko specialises in finding so-called “zero-days”, previously undisclosed software bugs that could leave companies vulnerable. “We have not only searched for bugs but exploited them, but only with the customer’s sanction,” she said. She said she never hired anyone she knew to have a criminal background for her companies.
    Shevchenko said she had been approached repeatedly by people she believed to be from the Russian government. She insisted, however, that she had always rejected the advances. She said she had not been threatened or intimidated as a result.
    A 2014 profile of Shevchenko in Russian Forbes magazine noted that she worked with DialogNauka, a Russian company that listed among its clients the Russian ministry of defence and parts of the security services. Questioned by the Guardian, she insisted that none of her own work for DialogNauka “was even remotely possible to use as a nation-state attacks supply”.
    Shevchenko said she had turned down plenty of offers of work on ideological grounds: “I never work with douchebags. I only work with honest and open people that I feel good about.” Asked directly if she had ever worked on a government contract in any capacity, she answered “not that I know of”.
    Shevchenko said ZOR was closed more than a year ago, because it was difficult and expensive to do the requisite public relations work required to drum up business. She now works as a “one-man army”, she said.
    Many analysts have said it seems very likely that Russian state actors are behind Fancy Bear, but concede that the publicly released evidence does not include a smoking gun.
    The former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden, who currently lives in Russia, wrote on Twitter: “Few techs doubt that Russians could have a hand in hacks, but public policy requires public evidence.”
    Brian Bartholomew, of Kaspersky Lab’s US office in Massachusetts, said the biggest clue was an in-house piece of software called XAgent, which he had never seen elsewhere.
    “Assange said it could have been a 14-year-old hacker – if you look at the collective operations of this group, there’s no way a 14-year-old has this much money, time and effort to conduct all of these operations together,” he said.
    Of the entities on the sanctions list, including Shevchenko’s company, Bartholomew said: “There’s probably a good reason that those names were put in the document.”
    Aitel said he had no doubt Russian intelligence was behind the hack and said authorities would certainly use third-party contractors for operations, but he added that it was problematic to sanction individuals without releasing evidence. “No matter what she did technically, she’s not a policy maker. It doesn’t make much sense to sanction individuals on the basis that ‘we know something secret so we’re going to sanction you’.”
    Only Shevchenko’s company – rather than Shevchenko personally – is on the US treasury’s list of specially designated nationals (SDNs), which are subject to an asset freeze in any dealings with US persons or the US financial system.
    “If she starts a new company, then that company is clean, but a lot of people might not want to do business with her if they do their due diligence and find that she’s one step removed from an SDN,” said Louis Rothberg, an expert in export control with the international law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius. 
    Shevchenko said she assumes it is “not possible” for her to travel to the US now, and she does not particularly want to.

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