• Breaking News

    segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017

    Mob of up to 30 joined 'appalling' attack on Croydon asylum seeker

    A mob of up to 30 people encouraged each other on to join an “appalling” attack on a young Kurdish asylum seeker, police have said.

    The unnamed 17-year-old accompanied by two friends was set on at a bus stop by a small group of attackers after he was picked out as a refugee.

    The boy was allegedly chased 100 yards into a housing estate, severely beaten around the head and left for dead after the original attackers were joined by up to 20 to 30 others.

    Police on Monday charged five people, including two brothers and a brother and sister, over the attack, while others remain under arrest.

    Scotland Yard detectives have released CCTV pictures of others they are hoping to identify in connection with the Friday night assault in Croydon, south London.

    Det Supt Jane Corrigan said the assault was “an unprovoked attack as a result of him being an asylum seeker”.

    She went on: “I think this was probably confidence by numbers. It started off with this smaller group of people who were joined by between 20 to 30 and they just viciously attacked these individuals because they were asylum seekers."

    The boy, an Iranian Kurd, was left with a fractured skull and a blood clot on his brain and had been lucky to survive the attack she said. He will be scarred for life with injuries to his face, but should be able to leave intensive care.

    She said: “The victim had come from a friend's house and the three individuals were waiting for a bus when the unprovoked attack occurred.

    "They were viciously attacked because they were asylum seekers.

    "Once they identified who these people were they attacked them in the most appalling way.”

    The attack has drawn widespread condemnation, with Tory minister and local Croydon Central MP Gavin Barwell describing the attackers as "scum".

    The victim has been living in Croydon for several months.

    Det Supt Corrigan said 11 people had been arrested, five other identified people were being sought and an appeal was put out to identify two more.

    She said: “I can't say this was a pre-planned attack, these type of attacks are so rare and it is not something I've seen for a number of years and certainly not in London. But I think once they had identified who these young people were they have set about attacking them in the most appalling way."

    Brother and sister Danyelle, 24 and Daryl Davis, 20, of Laurel Crescent, Croydon, are both charged with violent disorder following the attack on the asylum seeker on Friday evening.

    Brothers George, 20, and Jack Walder, of Myrtle Road, Croydon are also both charged with violent disorder.

    George was additionally charged with racially aggravated grievous bodily harm.

    Another man, 20 year old Barry Potts, of Fir Tree Gardens, also faces a charge of violent disorder.

    All five are due to appear at Croydon Magistrates' Court on Monday.

    On Sunday police arrested a 23 year old man and a 17 year old girl on suspicion of attempted murder and violent disorder.

    This morning a 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and violent disorder.

    Anyone with information about the attack should call police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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