• Breaking News

    terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017

    Who's losing the Internet (and plenty of customers): United Airlines

    United Airlines can't stop stepping in it

    United Airlines can't seem to right its wrongs, which are piling up after a man was dragged off a plane Sunday night. CEO Oscar Munoz apologized again Tuesday, saying, "No one should ever be mistreated this way."  That's an abrupt change from the letter he sent Monday to United employees that said the passenger was “disruptive and belligerent” and “I emphatically stand behind all of you.” A United spokesman conceded Tuesday that the flight was sold out but not “overbooked," as the airline originally claimed, meaning four ticketed passengers, including the man, were kicked off the plane to make way for crew members that United said needed to make the flight. Can an airline do that? All carriers have a "contract of carriage" — United's is 37,000 words long — that spells out when it can pull passengers from a flight. But Sunday's incident went too far, and people are calling for Munoz to step down. Since "fly the friendly skies" apparently no longer applies, the Internet has some new suggested slogans for the embattled airline.

    The U.S. just accused Russia of helping with a coverup in Syria

    The White House said Tuesday there is overwhelming evidence that Syria used a sarin nerve agent to attack opponents of the government last week and that Russia is trying to help Syrian President Bashar Assad's government cover up the illegal use of chemical weapons. The National Security Council released its scathing report just as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visits Russia. Also in the realm of foreign policy, the situation remains tense with North Korea. President Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday for some saber rattling. "North Korea is looking for trouble," Trump tweeted. "If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A."

    Again, we grieve for San Bernardino

    Still torn by the 2015 terror attack, the community in San Bernardino, Calif., has fresh wounds after Monday's killings of a teacher and an 8-year-old student in a special needs classroom. Police said Cedric Anderson, 53, fired the shots in a murder-suicide that killed his estranged wife and the boy and injured another child. Anderson, who had a history of arrests involving domestic violence, weapons charges and drugs, gained entrance to the elementary school by telling office workers he was there to drop something off for his wife.

    Charges filed after allergic college student allegedly has peanut butter spread all over his face

    A Central Michigan University student was charged after accusations that he smeared peanut butter on the face of a student with a peanut allergy while that student was passed out. "He could have been killed," Teresa Seely, the mother of Andrew Seely, wrote in a Facebook post that went viral in March. She hasn't commented on the recently filed charge of misdemeanor hazing. The lawyer for the student who was charged says his client is innocent and that what happened wasn't hazing. Andrew Seely has since transferred to another school.

    These retired guys and their beach photo are ultimate friendship #goals

    Three old buds — Jeff Smith of South Carolina and Hal Kuehl and Peter Wilfert, who live in Florida — recently recreated a pose from a 1966 photo they took on Cape Cod, Mass. The trio reunited to swap stories and rekindle their friendship. Moral of the story: Don’t wait 50 years to reconnect with old friends ... and hang onto your old photos.  "We’ve gone through life’s ups and downs, divorces and marriages, successes and failures, but all and all we came through it pretty well," said Wilfert. "None of us are dead."

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