• Breaking News

    segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017

    St Petersburg metro blast leaves many injured - media

    An explosion has hit an underground station in the city of St Petersburg, Russian media report.
    The Tass and Interfax agencies reported a blast at the Sennaya Ploshchad metro station, which left a number of victims.
    Images posted on social media showed a train carriage with its doors blown out and damage inside.
    Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is in the city, has been informed, Russian media say.

    At least 10 people are believed to have died after two explosions on the Saint Petersburg subway.

    Pictures posted on social media show the door of a Metro train has been blown out in an explosion, which is reported to have involved shrapnel-filled devices. 

    Other images showed passengers lying on the ground of a station platform.

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