• Breaking News

    segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017

    War of the roses: Retired GP issued with 'death threats' by neighbours for pruning

    A retired GP was issued with death threats by his neighbours after he pruned their overhanging roses, a court has heard.

    After trimming roses hanging over his fence, Dr Mathiaparanam Sreetharan, 73, was allegedly told "Cut my plants again and you will die" by a mother and daughter living next door to him.

    Rosa Rahman, 75, and her daughter, production manager Rebecca Rahman, 46, claim the Sri Lankan-born GP doctor poured weedkiller on their cherished rear garden to deliberately kill plants by the boundary fence at their south London property in Balham.

    Rosa Rahman, 75, and her daughter, production manager Rebecca Rahman, 46, claim the Sri Lankan-born GP doctor poured weedkiller on their cherished rear garden to deliberately kill plants by the boundary fence at their south London property in Balham.
    He told the court he had been clearing his garden when the next day he found what he describes as the "death note" attached to his fence. "It was a shocking thing to observe," he said.

    He estimates the dispute has cost him £40,000, but was unable to produce any evidence. 

    "It has caused me so much stress and trauma," he added.

    Wimbledon Magistrates Court sentenced the two women for criminal activity against him.

    Rosa was fined £75 for calling him a "nasty little man" and pushing him in his front garden after the assault was caught on a mobile phone on July 5 last year.

    She told the court: "My life is the garden, I spent a lot of money on it and he started cutting everything he could reach. It's my life's work and he's ruined everything.

    "He was ruining my garden and I told him he was a horrible man. I was very angry, I just looked at my plants and cried."
    Dr Mathiaparanam Sreetharan, 73, was allegedly told "Cut my plants again and you will die" by a mother and daughter living next door to him.
    Her daughter Rebecca, who attended London's Guildhall University, pleaded guilty to racially-aggravated threatening behaviour on June 30 and harassing the doctor between June 26 and August 23.

    She was placed on probation for 12 months and must complete 100 hours community service work. She was also fined £200, with £85 costs, with an £85 victim surcharge.

    District Judge Barbara Barnes said: "This arises from a bitter neighbour dispute about plants and branches hanging over a fence and the dispute got out of hand last summer.

    "The complainant was not a credible or convincing witness, unclear, rambling and confused. He was vague and at times obstructive and has exaggerated and embellished aspects of his evidence.

    "I don't find his account of being scared for his life or that these ladies came at him with bricks as plausible."

    Regarding Rosa she added: "I did not find her compelling either."

    The court cleared Spanish-born Rosa of harassment.

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